I Will Survive

I Will Survive

Sheri Nault, Rhiannon Inman-Simpson, Sara Anstis, Anna Bak,
Alexis Rodríguez Cancino, Nina Jensen, Karin Granstrand

16. – 18. November 2018

Galleri CC is pleased to announce the opening of I Will Survive, which is a collaboration between Alta Art Space and Galleri CC. The show will be hosted simultaneously in the exhibition spaces of Alta Art Space and Galleri CC.

Participating artists:
Sheri Nault, Rhiannon Inman-Simpson, Sara Anstis, Anna Bak,
Alexis Rodríguez Cancino, Nina Jensen, Karin Granstrand

Curated by Sara Anstis & Benjamin Andersson

The opening night of the exhibition coincides with the launch of the Survival Handbook, written by the artists.

I Will Survive examines the theme of survival in its relation to artistic practice.
The exhibition is the material continuation of the book written by the seven participating artists, contributing a chapter each on topics such as Water, Food and Shelter.
The artworks and writings examine survival from various angles, such as practical wilderness survival advice, self-care in the Anthropocene, visual examination of plants, and engaging local publics with a post-apocalyptic crafts workshop.

16. – 18. November 2018
at Alta Art Space

16. November  – 16. December 2018
at Galleri CC