Milton Bhattacharyya (Howrah, India)
15. – 17. June 2017

Conflicting 322 is a series, made out of 8 artist books. This series about self-conflicted prolong memories from the artist restrained creative journey. This mixed media book reflects how to see a loneliness and self-made boredom from a different perspective of life. Though the total number of page 322 but I’m sure during your viewing this number disappeared from reality and the entire experience will be whole.

This was a tiring 6-month intense process from artist and curator both side to develop a series which expresses various ways of monotony. From the curatorial side, this is also an experiment with artist image where the image can be seen as visual text and same time explore the alternative evolving site for exhibiting intimate memories. Enjoy the loneliness with an isolated spectacle.

curated by Kaur Chimuk and Jens August Lindqvist