Alta Vista Updates
issue 3
Zine, English / Swedish, 40 pages. Free.
Released 24. September 2021
Read Alta Vista Updates issue 3 online

Alta Vista Updates
issue 2
Zine, English / Swedish, 48 pages. Free.
Released 8. April 2020
Read Alta Vista Updates issue 2 online
Dear Reader,
We have no hot takes. We have no answers. Ingen aning. Nobody knows. Words fail us.
Some of us* began working on this before the enormity of the pandemic unraveled, some during. By us we mean our generous contributors: who wrote, drew, made, thought and worked on their own dime and time – thank you for your gifts.
We hope that within these pages, you might find something to laugh about, something else to think about, something to do or simply rest upon, some form of distraction or comfort, some way of accessing this community and speaking to each other. Allt på paus nu, let us meet on the other side <3
Ta hand om varandra
Please take care
Stor Kram, Julia Selin och Kah Bee Chow

Alta Vista Updates
issue 1
Zine, English / Swedish, 44 pages. Free.
Released 28. September 2019
Read Alta Vista Updates issue 1 online
Dear reader,
We are very happy to share the first issue of Alta Vista Updates with you! This fruity zine is conceived and edited by us: Julia Selin and Kah Bee Chow. We both enjoy limoncello spritz in the summertime and have studios in the same building in collectives called Alta and Vista on Celsiusgatan 40 in Malmö, Sweden.
This first issue of Alta Vista Updates is the sum total of the generosity and good faith of all our contributors and helpers: much thanks to Jonas Malmberg for helping us print the zine, Matti Sumari for emotional and physical support, Patrik Aarnivaara, Kirse Junge-Stevnsborg, André Talborn, Jaakko Pallasvuo, Elena Tzotzi, Stina Malmqvist, Jennifer Sameland, Aslak Sumari, Carl Lindh, Rasmus R. Streith, Karolina Erlingsson, Kate Moss, Ami Kohara, Simona Dumitriu, Matthew Rana, Kristine Kemp, Cecilia Wendt, Nina M Olsson, Karin Larsson, Maria E. Harrysson, Ako Aref, Olof & Ingrid, Linus Svensson, Angelica Falkeling, Scott Rogers, Krets, Signal, Celsius Projects, ikoloni, Galleri CC, Delfi, H.H Events. Thank you so much for being a part of this first issue!!
You may contact us at altavistaupdates@gmail.com if you wish.
– Julia Selin och Kah Bee Chow