Organized by Alta Art Space in collaboration with Malmö Open Studios the second annual Alta Art Auction was held on Saturday 4. May 2019. We are happy to announce that 37 200 SEK was raised!
All profits went directly to Noomi Malmö, an organisation supporting women exposed to violence, with a focus on those who have been used in prostitution and trafficking for sexual purposes in Malmö.
Noomi Malmö: http://www.noomimalmo.se/
Malmö Open Studios: https://malmoopenstudios.se/
Many thanks all artists who donated their works to the auction:
Ann Edholm, Ingela Ihrman, Ida Persson, Kalle Lindmark, Viktor Rosdahl, Elisabeth Östin, Anna-Karin Rasmusson, Per Johansson, Julia Selin, Johan Lundqwist, L. E. Tanttu, Lena Blohmé, Niklas Asker, Emelie Sandström, Maria E Harrysson, Filip Rahim Hansson, Elin Bengtsson, Karin Granstrand, Timja Femling, Jonas Malmberg, Kristina Hrafnhildur Plasgård, Richard Krantz, Ingrid Klintskog, Jamila Drott, Niki Cervin, Ruskig Ångest.